Shocking Blue

Gewidmet Sängerin Mariska Veres.
* 1. 10.1947 in Den Haag, gestorben am 2.12.2006.

Shocking Blue galten als die "holländischen Jefferson Airplane". Sie wurden 1967 in Den Haag gegründet, 1974 aufgelöst und bildeten sich danach noch mehrfach neu. Ihr größter Erfolg war 'Venus' aus dem Jahr 1969.


A Goddess on a mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name

She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus
I'm your fire, what's your desire
Well, I'm your Venus
I'm your fire, what's your desire

Her weapons were
Her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had

She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, what's your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, what's your desire


She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, what's your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, what's your desire

Never marry a Railroad man

Have you been broken-hearted once or twice
If it's yes how did you feel at his first lies
If it's no you need this good advice

Never marry a Railroad man
He loves you every now and then
His heart is at his new train. No, no, no
Don't fall in love with a Railroad man
If you do forget him if you can
You're better off without him ah ...

Have you ever been restless in your bed
And so lonely that your eyes became wet
Let me tell you then one thing mmm ...

Published by Ostufer.Net 2015 / 2024

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